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乔治亚州最高法院于1964年成立了乔治亚州律师协会. 最高法院授权律师协会维护本州执业律师的职业行为规则, 并通过对违反这些规则的律师提起纪律处分程序来执行这些规则. 《十大电子游艺网站》可以在律师协会的网站上找到 网站. 他们规范律师的职业行为, 但通常不包括个人行为,除非律师被判有罪. It is a violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct to be convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude w在这里 the underlying conduct relates to the practice of law. 我们给予律师和任何因犯罪被捕的人一样的无罪推定, 所以当律师被捕时我们不会进行纪律调查.

纪律处分程序是复杂的, 调查的早期阶段是完全保密的, 甚至包括律师协会的官员和其他领导. The Supreme Court of Georgia regulates the practice of law in Georgia and has the final say regarding any public discipline against a lawyer. 国家纪律委员会 decides which 情况下 the 乔治亚州律师协会 will prosecute and the lawyers in the Office of the General Counsel prosecute those 情况下. The Office of the General Counsel is funded by the annual license fees Bar members pay to the 乔治亚州律师协会. 纪律处分有三个阶段——初步筛选过程, 由国家纪律委员会进行正式调查,并通过解雇进行处理, 实行保密纪律或公开诉讼.


当一名公众成员就与律师的问题联系州律师协会时, 询盘到 客户援助计划(CAP). CAP can intervene when a client is having trouble communicating with their lawyer or when a call to the lawyer might resolve the problem. 如果CAP工作人员不能非正式地解决问题, 他们可能会寄一份申诉表格给投诉者.

The 条规则 require that grievances be submitted in writing on a form approved by the State 纪律 Board. 申诉表格和填写说明可供查阅 在这里.

提出申诉是提请律师公会注意可能存在的不当行为的最直接方法, 但 规则4 - 202 also allows the Office of the General Counsel to begin an investigation when it receives “credible information” of a violation of the rules. Articles in the press or misconduct reported in court orders may serve as the basis for an investigation even when no one has filed a grievance.

The screening process typically involves sending the grievance to the respondent lawyer with a request for a response within 14 days. 当律师回应时, 大律师事务所的申诉律师可将答复寄给申诉人,要求其补充意见或反驳. 申诉律师可以要求律师提供一份客户档案的副本, 银行记录或其他有助于解决问题的信息.

At the end of the screening process the Office of the General Counsel may dismiss grievances that do not present sufficient merit to proceed. Those that seem to involve a violation of 条规则 proceed to the next level of investigation with the State 纪律 Board. 


国家纪律委员会 is made up of volunteers who are appointed by the Supreme Court and the State Bar president for three-year terms. 鼓励最高法院和律师协会主席作出符合地域要求的任命, 性别, 种族和代际多样性. 还有四名非律师成员. 律师成员被指派对个人的申诉进行调查, and the group serves almost like a grand jury that determines whether t在这里 is probable cause to believe that a lawyer’s conduct violated 条规则.

在向答辩律师送达调查通知书后,委员会开始工作. The Notice lists the specific rules that are involved in the investigation and must be served on the lawyer in accordance with the 条规则.

被告律师必须提交一份誓词, 在送达后30天内以书面回应调查通知书. If the lawyer does not respond and if the lawyer is accused of violating a rule that carries a penalty of disbarment, 委员会可建议暂停该律师的执业,直至该律师提交答复. These “interim suspensions” are based solely on the lawyer’s failure to cooperate with the investigative process and not on the merits of the underlying case.

The Board member who is assigned to a particular investigation is responsible for gathering the information necessary to make a probable cause finding. 律师会雇用三名律师助理/调查员协助进行正式调查. 大多数董事会成员以书面或电话方式与被投诉人和投诉方通信. 他们还可以发出传票,要求提供必要的文件,如银行记录.
委员会每年至少召开八次会议审议案件. 委员会可采取下列步骤之一:

  1. 解雇
    If after investigation it does not appear that the lawyer has violated a Georgia Rule of Professional Conduct, 董事会将驳回申诉. 如果存在技术违规,但未对客户造成损害, Board may decide to dismiss with a letter of instruction regarding best practices to help the lawyer avoid client complaints in the future. 律师公会规则要求律师公会在一年后销毁所有被驳回申诉的记录.
  2. 警告信
    警告信是最低级的惩戒. It is confidential and is used when the lawyer has committed a violation inadvertently or through ignorance of the rules. 训诫信也是保密的, 但如果律师再次违反规则,律师协会可能会将这封信作为加重处罚的因素.

    A lawyer may reject imposition of a 警告信 and choose instead to have a judge (“special master”) decide the case. 
  3. 国家纪律委员会谴责
    国家纪律委员会的训诫也是保密纪律, 但它是在需要比警告信更多的情况下使用的. The Respondent lawyer is required to appear at a Board meeting and is reprimanded by the Chair in front of the entire Board. A lawyer may reject imposition of a Board Reprimand and choose instead to have a special master decide the case.
  4. 可能因由的发现/纪律通知
    The 纪律 Board may issue a Notice of Discipline when the facts of a case are clear so that t在这里 is no need for a hearing before a special master. 在纪律通知单上, Board notifies the Supreme Court of its findings and asks the Court to impose a specific level of public discipline against the lawyer. 律师有机会拒绝该通知,并在特别法官面前进行听证. 如果律师不拒绝该通知, 最高法院根据收到的信息来决定案件.
  5. 可能原因的发现/转介给特别专家
    When t在这里 is probable cause to believe that the lawyer has violated 条规则 但 t在这里 are still facts in dispute after investigation, 纪律委员会可将该事项提交特别主任进行聆讯. 在这些案件中,总法律顾问律师办公室担任案件的检察官.
  6. 精神残疾或药物滥用评估
    律师公会规则第4-104条 allows the State 纪律 Board to refer a lawyer for a medical or mental health evaluation if t在这里 are signs of mental illness, 认知障碍, 酗酒或滥用药物. The referral is confidential and the Board may hold disciplinary proceedings in order to have the lawyer evaluated. 律师不参与或者不配合鉴定的, 董事会可在其认为适当时采取进一步行动.
  7. 紧急暂停
    律师公会规则4-108 allows the State 纪律 Board to ask that a lawyer be suspended on an emergency basis if the lawyer poses a substantial threat of harm to the public or to clients. 规则规定由一名特别法官进行快速听证. 
  8. 转介到其他律师资源
    委员会也可将答辩律师转介至 客户援助计划, 律师援助计划, 费用仲裁方案 或者是 法律实务管理课程.


一旦委员会发现可能的原因,并将一件事提交特别主任审理, 这个案子会回到总法律顾问办公室进行起诉. The Bar files a complaint in the Supreme Court of Georgia and the Supreme Court appoints a special master to serve as judge. 在这一点上,案件的所有程序都是公开的. 

起诉状必须送达被告律师,被告律师有30天的时间提出答辩. 这个案子通过发现进行,就像法庭上的民事案件一样. 提出申诉的人通常是案件听证会上的证人. 许多案件都是通过被告律师提交自愿纪律请愿书来解决的, 这就要求律师承认从事了违反规则的行为.

案件通过自愿申诉或听证解决后, 特别主任发表一份载有事实调查结果的报告和建议, 法律结论和纪律建议. 该建议可由审查委员会审查, 应律师协会或被申请人的要求,哪一方可以审查特别主任的调查结果是否存在错误. 

乔治亚州最高法院的判决(规则4 - 218)

The Supreme Court reviews the pleadings and transcripts from every special master case and enters an order. 法院可以公开谴责, 暂停该律师执业五年以下的时间, 取消律师资格或决定该律师不应受到纪律处分. 

进入订单后, a lawyer who has been suspended or disbarred must immediately stop practicing law and must notify clients of the discipline. A suspended lawyer may resume practice at the end of the suspension 但 must also comply with any conditions the Court has imposed, 比如偿还欠客户的钱. 被吊销律师资格的律师如果不经过整个律师资格录取程序,不得再次执业, 包括参加并通过律师资格考试.


如果乔治亚州最高法院发布了惩戒律师的命令, 订单会在酒吧的网站上发布. 你可以通过在网上搜索律师的名字来找到这些命令 会员目录. 一旦你点击律师的名字,他们的信息就会显示出来, 点击“公共纪律”旁边的“存档历史”.“最高法院的命令将张贴在那里. 如果律师没有公共纪律的历史, 该网站将在“公共纪律”旁边显示“无记录”.”